Social Justice: Power, Politics and the Emotions : Impossible Governance? download book TXT, PDF, MOBI


How can we rethink ideas of policy failure to consider its paradoxes and contradictions as a starting point for more hopeful democratic encounters? Offering a provocative and innovative theorisation of governance as relational politics, the central argument of Power, Politics and the Emotions is that there are sets of affective dynamics which complicate the already materially and symbolically contested terrain of policy-making. This relational politics is Shona Hunter s starting point for a more hopeful, but realistic understanding of the limits and possibilities enacted through contemporary governing processes. Through this idea Hunter prioritises the everyday lived enactments of policy as a means to understand the state as a more differentiated and changeable entity than is often allowed for in current critiques of neoliberalism. But Hunter reminds us that focusing on lived realities demands a melancholic confrontation with pain, and the risks of social and physical death and violence lived through the contemporary neoliberal state. This is a state characterised by the ascendency of neoliberal whiteness; a state where no one is innocent and we are all responsible for the multiple intersecting exclusionary practices creating its unequal social orderings. The only way to struggle through the central paradox of governance to produce something different is to accept this troubling interdependence between resistance and reproduction and between hope and loss. Analysing the everyday processes of this relational politics through original empirical studies in health, social care and education the book develops an innovative interdisciplinary theoretical synthesis which engages with and extends work in political science, cultural theory, critical race and feminist analysis, critical psychoanalysis and post-material sociology.", Offering a provocative and innovative theorisation of governance as relational politics, the central argument of Power, Politics and the Emotionsis that there are complex sets of emotional dynamics which complicate the already contested terrain of social policy-making. Equality and diversity are increasingly central components of governance in Western democracies. Arising from the particular social, cultural and political conditions of the late twentieth century, they constitute an important component of the new ethico-politics or life politics, another important element of which is the turn to the emotions. These developments make us think again about the changing processes of governance and shifting relations between institutions, governors and citizens. And Power, Politics and the Emotionsuses controversy over diversity and equality policies as a lens through which to explore these broader developments. Contra rationalist accounts of governance, relational politics is the messy, incoherent, ambivalent and often contradictory processes of governance which structure and are structured through social and affective dynamics. Analysing the everyday processes of this relational politics through original empirical studies into equalities work and policy in health, social care, education and the voluntary and community sector, the book develops an innovative interdisciplinary theoretical synthesis which engages with and extends work in political science, cultural theory, critical psychoanalysis and social studies of science and technology/sociology of translation. It will be of interest to a wide range of higher level students and scholars in sociology, social and public policy, legal studies, politics, cultural studies, psychology and psychosocial studies, as well as professional policy-makers and practitioners in the field of equalities in general and in health, social care and education.

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Drawing on the claim that egalitarian politics persistently appropriates elements from political philosophy to engage new forms of dissensus, Devin Zane Shaw argues that Ranciere's work also provides an opportunity to reconsider modern philosophy and aesthetics in light of the question of equality.In "Secondhand Time, " Alexievich chronicles the demise of communism.The Left looks back to the middle of the twentieth century, when unions were strong, large public programs promised to solve pressing social problems, and the movements for racial integration and sexual equality were advancing.The authors examine the institutional responses of parliaments, administrative, legal and electoral systems; the more informal politics of social movements; and the politics of markets and the corporate sector as they respond to (or resist) the greening of societies.Hehir's first novel will be a winner for those who love good fantasy." "Reading Time ""A thoroughly absorbing read for 12-year-olds, who can engage as much or as little as they like with the historical detail and lessons in time, while getting swept along in the adventures and fates of Julius, our likeable hero, and his slowly evolving band of friends.""The Big Issue"It's 1838 and London is gripped by orchid fever.With contributions from multidisciplinary scholars from around the world, this book provides provocative insights into what it means to be a reader reading in and across various social, cultural, and political contexts.Sara Danius, permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy " Secondhand Time [is Alexievich's] longest and most ambitious project to date: an effort to use an oral history of the nineties to understand Soviet and post-Soviet identity." -- The New Yorker "In this spellbinding book, Svetlana Alexievich orchestrates a rich symphony of Russian voices telling their stories of love and death, joy and sorrow, as they try to make sense of the twentieth century, so tragic for their country." --J.